Donor Recognition

Recognizing Our WSU Donors

Private support helps WSU realize its full potential as a world-class center for education, research, and outreach. The WSU Foundation is honored to recognize the generous donors who choose to support WSU’s mission and the work of its students, faculty, and staff. It is with sincere gratitude that the WSU Foundation recognizes donors for their annual gifts, cumulative lifetime gifts, planned giving commitments, and planned gifts.

Annual Giving Recognition Levels

(based on total gifts given in a single fiscal year, July 1–June 30)

Total Annual GiftsRecognition Levels
$500-$999Tower Club
$1,000-$2,499Bryan Society
$2,500-$4,999President's Associate*
$5,000-$9,999Silver President's Associate
$10,000-$49,000Crimson President's Associate
$50,000+Platinum President's Associate
*Generous Cougs in all stages of life can join the President’s Associates through two special programs:

  1. Recent Graduate President’s Associates annual giving levels (based on the first WSU degree earned in your household): $250 for graduation years 2013-2015, $500 for graduation years 2010-2012, and $1,250 for graduation years 2004-2009.
  2. The Golden Graduate President’s Associates giving level is $1,000-$4,999 for those who graduated 50 or more years ago.

Cumulative Giving Recognition Levels

(based on cumulative lifetime giving)

Your Cumulative Lifetime
Recognition Levels
$50,000-$99,999Heritage Society
$250,000-$499,999Silver Benefactor
$500,000-$999,999Crimson Benefactor
$5,000,000-$9,999,999Crimson Laureate
$10,000,000+Platinum Laureate
50+ years of givingDiamond Donor

In addition to WSU Foundation recognition programs, many of WSU’s colleges and units recognize their supporters in a variety of ways including online, on donor walls, and in special publications. Please contact the development offices within specific areas to learn more about additional recognition opportunities.

WSU Legacy Associates

The Legacy Associates of Washington State University are those individuals who have included WSU in their estate plans, thus planning to leave a legacy for future generations. Providing a stable and perpetual source of support for WSU students, faculty, and programs, estate gifts have a tremendous impact on the University, realized estate gifts represent approximately one-third of the WSU Foundation total endowment.

These thoughtful gifts come to the University in a number of ways, including bequests through Wills or Living Trusts, the naming of the WSU Foundation as a beneficiary of life insurance policies or retirement plans, or through other planned giving arrangements such as Charitable Remainder Trusts or Charitable Gift Annuities.